Monday, February 9, 2009

Black History Month

February is Black History Month in the United States. During this month, America recognizes the accomplishments of African-Americans throughout history. In social studies, we're going to look at twenty famous African-American men and women; some you may have heard of, some you may not have. Hopefully you'll be more enlightened about the impact of African-Americans in history.

When you're done with the famous African-Americans activity:


Anonymous said...

I really hope people learn how important black history month is. black history is the best month you get to learn more about people than you already know! i hope we learn alot about Martin Luther King Jr.

Anonymous said...

Black History Month is wonderful because we are recongizing wonderful people and all the things they did! Schools and other people should do activities and other things to learn about people like Martin Luther King Jr. and many other grateful people!


Anonymous said...

Black history month is wonderful actually more than wonderfunl!!! I love learning about more people and how they became famous! Today we just learned more about people i thought Alice Walker was very intersting! I think we should learn about african americans no matter if its black history or not it great to learn more about your own culture! Martin Luther King Jr. is a great person to learn about! sincerlly,

Anonymous said...

Ur so right Shantel

from ur

Anonymous said...

awww thank you alexa! Its so true we learn about alot of other people and stuff but i think we should learn alot about other people! We only learned about african americans for what three days and it is still febraury thats really bogus we should still be learing about black history!

Anonymous said...

One thing that I will do is shut off my coomputer when I'm not using it.

Ryan Miller