Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ancient Egypt

This website on ancient Egypt has a lot of interesting interactive features.  Click on the various pages to see up close pyramids, mummies, boats, and many other features of Egypt.

Nova Explore: Ancient Egypt

You will be answering the following questions on a blog post.  Follow these directions:

  1. Click on Comments (may have a number before it)
  2. Answer these questions in the box:
    1. What is your name, date, SS hour?
    2. What was the most interesting part of the website?
    3. Why?
    4. What is a fat question you have regarding what you've seen today?
  3. Click 'Anonymous' as your Identity and enter the goofy word (if asked to).  If you can choose your email/name as your Identity, do that instead!
  4. Click Publish Your Comment and you're finished!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Let's See What You Know!

I would like to know a little more about you.  Click the link below:

I would also like to see how geographically knowledgable you are:

Monday, August 19, 2013

Set yourself up for middle school success!

Middle school can be a time of excitement, dread, or somewhere in between.  As I enter my twelfth year of teaching, there are many simple things I've learned that can help you (or your student) be successful as they enter middle school.  Some of this may be routine for  many of you, but it is beneficial to go through these with your student entering middle school.  In no particular order:

1.  Be prepared before the year starts:  Check supply lists and get the things listed on it.  Teachers check it every year and make adjustments if needed.  If the list says 10 folders, you'll need 10!

2.  Get into a morning routine:  Middle school starts a little earlier than elementary school, so practice getting up earlier.  Have your backpack packed the night before, shower every morning or night, etc...

3.  Stay connected:  Just because your student is in middle school, you still need to keep up with them (perhaps even more so than before) while giving them more responsibility and freedom.  Go to the Franklin Home Page and check the calendar.  Check the 6A School Notes page.  Follow me on Twitter for class updates @MrGremmingerFMS and the school @FranklinSDJ .  Franklin also has an official Facebook page:  You should also check on your student's grades, attendance, and lunch account in Skyward Family Access.  There, you can double check your email address as teachers will often send messages using those addresses.

4. Eat breakfast:  Whether it's at home or at school (free breakfast for all!), it's vitally important to have a balanced breakfast before school--that means more than a doughnut and hot chocolate (or Monster energy drink, soda, or latte as I often see)!

5.  Ask questions that can't be answered in one word:  Instead of asking "How was school?" ask your student what they did today.  Instead of asking "Do you have homework?" ask what they have to do for tomorrow.  You'll get more than yes or no answers.  Hopefully.

6.  You can live without a phone in sixth grade, believe it or not:  Yes, a lot of sixth graders have cell phones, but they're not required for school.  Phones are supposed to be off during the day and in lockers.  Put the phones away during dinner time too and put in a little face time as a family.

7.  Dress appropriately:  Especially during the warm months, students tend to dress inappropriately.  The school policy is to have no exposed undergarments or midriffs.  During the winter, it's a good idea to wear a coat (earth shattering information, but you'd be amazed at how many students don't wear coats) and have a sweatshirt in the locker.  Students go outside after lunch unless it's quite cold or there's a very low wind chill.

8.  Be a parent, not a friend:  As students get older, it's sometimes easier to be a friend to your student and make them think you're the cool mom or dad, but students need direction now more than ever.  Middle school can be a trying time, or it can be a positive experience.  Students look to parents and teachers for guidance and examples of how to behave in this ever changing world.  Be a parent first.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Feudal Life

Using the electronic worksheet, discover more about life in the Middle Ages.  Save that file to your U: drive and email it to Ms. Brown when finished.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Stem cells

Should government funds be used to support stem cell research?

Post your comments below.  Include your name in your post.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Greece Research Link

Mr. Donn's site is a great resource for ancient Greece, written at an easier level.

Also check out Emory University's website.  You won't be able to copy and paste, but their site is very informative.

Go British and check out this site from the BBC!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Word Generation-Title IX

In the 1970's, a federal law called Title IX was created to equalize sports and education between boys and girls.  The idea was to have equal opportunities for boys and girls in sports and higher education.  However, it created limitations in schools, as some schools had to drop boys sports and add girls sports to be equal.  Sometimes, colleges had to limit the number of scholarships given to boys to encourage girls to go to college.

The result is there are many more girls playing sports and going to college. 

Is the Title IX law fair or not?  Post your opinion with at least one detail supporting your answer.  Try to use one of these words:  inequity, resources, adequate, illustrate, disproportionate.

Include your name and hour along with your opinion when you post your response.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Gods Glogster


More info about Greek gods:

Click on the link below to signup for Glogster.  Your email name will be your username (smith.b) and your password will be your email password.

You'll want to have your Gmail open as well as your Gods Glogster Google Drive document.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Using the information I've provided you, login to  In addition to any time given in school, you will need to spend some time outside of class.  Let's be the best in Janesville, beating the other middle schools!  Remember, speed and accuracy!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Infectious Disease Research

To get a look at what Mitty, Olivia, and Derek may have been researching, click one of the links below and search for smallpox, typhoid, or anthrax.  If you find something interesting to add to the board, grab a note card and please do so!

Infectious Disease Society
(search at top of page-this may have more information than you could ever need!)

Center for Disease Control
(this is overwhelming, but it’s likely what Mitty would have come across in researching)

Global Issues in Context (current events-search for disease)

Salem Press Health

Gale Virtual Reference Library

A list of databases held by the high schools  
Consumer Health Complete, netTrekker, and Science Reference Center are most useful