Monday, November 29, 2010

Egyptian Gods

Complete as much as the table as possible. Then, with about 15 minutes left in class, answer the questions on the back of your work page.

Egyptian Gods Web Site

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Learn vocab and donate to those in need!

Go to and try your hand at identifying definitions/synonyms of words. Every time you get an answer correct, 10 grains of rice are donated to those in need. The site is supported by banner ads, so it seems legit--at the very least, you'll be improving your vocabulary!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Nouns Practice

Two player game: Possessive nouns
Singular and Plural Nouns

Plural Noun Quiz
Possessive Noun Quiz--a grade will be taken on this assignment!

Visit the Speed Words site to change verbs into the noun they're based on! You've only got so much time!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Does Patriotism Still Matter?

This is the theme for a writing contest we'll be participating in this fall. You've received an email from me with a graphic organizer attached to it. Open that attachment and take some notes on it.

Begin your research a definition of Patriotism, then do a Google search to continue your research. Look at the web address to see if the information is reliable!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Student email login

Login to your school district provided email account below. Your username and password are the same as what you use to log on to the comptuers at school.

Be warned: your emails are monitored and can be retrieved by school district personnel at any time! If you wouldn't write or say it to your grandmother, don't put it in an email!

Student Email Login

Friday, September 17, 2010

Brush Up on Reading Skills!

Main Idea Quiz
Main Idea Battleship
Supporting Details Quiz
Author's Purpose Activities

The Iceman Cometh

Otzi the Iceman was discovered in the Alps Mountains in 1991. He had several artifacts with him and several clues to his death. Become the ultimate forensic scientist and come to a conclusion as to how the Iceman died!

Examine the Iceman

When prompted, post a comment stating your name and what YOU think killed the Iceman and SUPPORT your answer.

Backup Iceman sites:
Mummy Tombs
Iceman Webquest

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

Medieval Castles

Take a look around a castle, using the work page as your guide.

Nat. Geo. Castles (currently not cooperating)

Take a peek at feudal life:


NOVA builds a trebuchet!

NOVA Trebuchet

Then, try a siege site (hopefully they work!)

Battlefield Academy

Lego Battle Siege

Nat. Geo. Kids

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What's a Preposition?

Done with your Bio-Poem? See what you can do on the following websites on prepositions.

Intro to Prepositions-Play some Hoops!

Kangaroo in the Desert

Prepositions Hangman

Cat and Mouse Prepositions

Parts of Speech Review

Parts of Speech Quiz

Characters in the Middle Ages

Below is a link to a website describing various characters from the Middle Ages. Use it to complete the work page describing people in the Middle Ages.

Middle Ages Fiefdom ***You'll need to finish this work page before next Thursday, May 13--we'll be in this lab again during Choice.

Before leaving today, post a comment on this website with the following information:

1. Name and Occupation (Mr. Gremminger-King)
2. One thought about this project or your occupation (I think it's going to be interesting to see what you all can do with this project.)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Adverbs! Quickly, look at them here!

Test your adverb mettle! Give it your VERY best effort!

Adverb Millionaire

Adverb Battleship

Adverb Quiz

Rats! (hopefully this'll work on your computer)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Greece Project Research



Mr. Donn's
British Museum
Richmond University

Trojan Horse
Mr. Donn's
ThinkQuest (read story, click 'Forward' at bottom)
The Odyssey

Athens and the Parthenon
British Museum
BBC: Athens
Mr. Donn's
Life in Athens (click on Life in Athens...if it's working...)

Greek Gods
Gods of Olympus (click on each god for details)
British Museum
Mr. Donn's (read what each god did for people)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Adjective activities

Try the following activities when you are done writing your thank you letters:

Adjective Detective

Adjective Mad-Lib

Grammar Blast

Or try some other language review sites:

Confusing Words


British Language (Wide Variety of Topics)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Social Studies Research: African American Inventors

February is Black History Month in the United States. During this month, America recognizes the accomplishments of African-Americans throughout history. In social studies, we're going to look at twenty famous African-American men and women; some you may have heard of, some you may not have. Hopefully you'll be more enlightened about the impact of African-Americans in history.

Black History Month Link
When you're done with the famous African-Americans activity:

Comm Arts: Notable African Americans in History

In honor of Black History Month, choose a person from the website below to research. You need to find out what they did, how they changed the world, and why you think they'd be on a list of important African Americans.

History Channel: African American Icons

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pronouns, pronouns everywhere!

What do you know about pronouns? Test your knowledge below!

Pronoun Quiz -- Report your score after you finish!

Pronoun Balloons

Pronoun Building

Pronoun Battleship

Ancient China

What do you know about Chinese culture? Click on the link below and write something new that you learned about each part of Chinese culture!

Ancient China

Friday, January 22, 2010

March Madness Begins

To complete your research, click on the link below and find your team (listed alphabetically in each conference or by first intial of university).

Yahoo! Men's College Basketball