Saturday, December 17, 2011

What does Mitty look like?

Go to the DoppleMe website and register using your school Gmail account. Then, create an avatar of what you think Mitty Blake looks like.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

7 Wonders of the World

For your research on the Wonders of the World, use the following websites:

Old vs. New Wonders of the World

7 Wonders of North America

7 Wonders of Nature

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

Check out these websites to learn a little more about the many Egyptian gods and goddesses!

Website #3-isn't working; use the other websites to find out the relationships between gods/goddesses. In other words, who was your god related to?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Epic of Gilgamesh

What stories did ancient Mesopotamians tell? Read about the Epic of Gilgamesh to learn a little bit about this famous story.

When you're finished, go back to the main Mesopotamian page and explore a little bit about the ancient cities of the Fertile Crescent.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Iceman!

Visit the web site of an Italian museum to see what the Iceman is all about:

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

King Tut: Was it Murder?

King Tut's death is a mystery. After you've completed your webquest, decide whether you think King Tut was murdered!

Complete a blog post with the following information:

Whether or not King Tut was murdered
At least three reasons that lead you to believe this

Mr. Gremminger
November 15, 2011
4th Hour
I think King Tut wasn't murdered. One reason I think this is...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

PhotoStory sounds

To find a different background sound or music file, click below, save the mp3 file to your drive, and upload into your PhotoStory.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Middle Ages at FMS-Ning

Using an invitation in your email, go to the Ning website to register. Your username will be your email address, which can be accessed at the top right hand corner of the Gmail account page. Your password will be your login password at school.

If you are already a member, go to The Middle Ages at FMS page. Enter in your email address and password. Copy and paste your email account from your Gmail account page.

To find out about your job, use your orange social studies textbook (when you receive it-eventually) and these websites:

Middle Ages Fiefdom (for a serf, look at peasant)

People of Middle Ages

Feudal Life

Life in Middle Ages

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ancient Rome sites

BBC: Ancient Rome-work through the web site worksheet, then try Dig It Up: Romans after you're done. See if it'll work on your computer (it might not!).

If you're all done:
History for Kids
BBC: History

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Adverbs Websites

Give these websites a try and assess your adverbs knowledge: Adverbs Battleship Pick It: Adverbs (you'll need to watch a brief advertisement before getting to the game) Adverb Millions Adverbs Quiz

Friday, March 18, 2011

Beastly Resources

For our mini-unit on the new film Beastly, use the links below:

Movie Trailer

Vocabulary Exercises

Analyzing Kyle's Character

Interactive Quiz

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Greece Research Project Links

In addition to Destiny, World Book Online, and netTrekker, use the websites below to continue your research of ancient Greece.

Mr. Donn's Ancient Greece Page

British Museum of History

BBC: Greek History

You can also do a Google search of keywords

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


What do you know about pronouns? Test your knowledge below!Pronoun Quiz -- Report your score after you finish
Pronoun Balloons
Pronoun Building
Pronoun Battleship

Friday, January 28, 2011

What's in a name?

Check out this map from National Geographic magazine and see the popularity of last names and where their ancestors came from. The key is in the lower right hand corner of the map.

Monday, January 24, 2011

March Madness Research

Search the Yahoo! Sports listing for your team. Click on the link to your team to find some information about it.

Then, go to Google to search for your university. See what you can learn from the university's website. (hint: search for your university with the word 'basketball.' Example: Wisconsin basketball)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wonders of the World

See what you remember from yeseterday-visit the ancient wonders websites; then, create a post describing which wonder of the ancient world you would most like to visit and why. Use the format below:

Jim Johnson
I would most like to visit the Hanging Gardens because...

Ancient Wonders of the World
Nova Ancient Wonders
Quia Ancient Wonders Games -- not working on all computers

New Wonders of the World
New Wonders of Modern World

Natural Wonders of the World
Wonders of North America

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Precipitation and Climate Graphing

You'll be creating one of two graphs: a precipitation graph comparing three cities' high and low temperatures, or a climate graph comparing two cities' high and low temperatures and monthly precipitation. To get you started, you should have chosen your cities from this list (in addition to Janesville, WI):

Northern Hemisphere
Tokyo, Japan
Toronto, Canada
Berlin, Germany

Southern Hemisphere
Sydney, Australia
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Pretoria, South Africa

Go to and type in your city name (include its country too) in the search box on the top left of the screen. The site is slow, SO BE PATIENT! Then, follow these directions:
  1. In the large center graphic, click on the blue Month tab.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the calendar of temperatures and click on Averages.
  3. The averages screen will be a blank gray screen, asking you to install Adobe Flash Player. Don't do this. Instead, click Table Display at the top of the gray box.
  4. You can now record your average high and low monthly temperatures (and precipitation if needed).
  5. When you're done with this month, go back to the search box and repeat the process for your next city.

When you're done with all your data collection, you can do one of two things: late work for Social Studies, then one of the links on this website.