Monday, May 31, 2010

Medieval Castles

Take a look around a castle, using the work page as your guide.

Nat. Geo. Castles (currently not cooperating)

Take a peek at feudal life:


NOVA builds a trebuchet!

NOVA Trebuchet

Then, try a siege site (hopefully they work!)

Battlefield Academy

Lego Battle Siege

Nat. Geo. Kids

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What's a Preposition?

Done with your Bio-Poem? See what you can do on the following websites on prepositions.

Intro to Prepositions-Play some Hoops!

Kangaroo in the Desert

Prepositions Hangman

Cat and Mouse Prepositions

Parts of Speech Review

Parts of Speech Quiz

Characters in the Middle Ages

Below is a link to a website describing various characters from the Middle Ages. Use it to complete the work page describing people in the Middle Ages.

Middle Ages Fiefdom ***You'll need to finish this work page before next Thursday, May 13--we'll be in this lab again during Choice.

Before leaving today, post a comment on this website with the following information:

1. Name and Occupation (Mr. Gremminger-King)
2. One thought about this project or your occupation (I think it's going to be interesting to see what you all can do with this project.)