Saturday, January 24, 2009

March Madness Begins!

We'll be researching and writing to top college basketball teams in the nation. To get our research started, click on the picture to the left.
When you get to the Yahoo site, click on 'Teams' and begin your research!


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! I find it funny that you have basketball on your blog because werent you the basketball coach??


Sean Gremminger said...

Jordan, you've unfortunately missed out on my Comm Arts class's work with writing to various colleges. We get to follow a team throughout the rest of the season and cheer them on as they make their way through the NCAA tournament.
And yes, I did coach intramural basketball, though I'd call it more 'leading' them, not 'coaching' the players.

Anonymous said...

haha!! That would be a lot of fun!!


Anonymous said...

at up mr.MR.G HOW ARE YOU