Otzi the Iceman was discovered in the Alps Mountains in 1991. He had several artifacts with him and several clues to his death. Become the ultimate forensic scientist and come to a conclusion as to how the Iceman died!
Examine the Iceman
When prompted, post a comment stating your name and what YOU think killed the Iceman and SUPPORT your answer.
Backup Iceman sites:
Mummy Tombs
Iceman Webquest
Friday, September 17, 2010
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Joe Jones
I think the Iceman died because of...
I think this is true becuase...
Jayme Mueller
I think the Iceman died because of massive bleeding. I think this is true because he had an arrowhead lodged in his shoulder.
Tanner Bendorf
I think the Iceman died because of the arrow in his chest. I think this is true because i caused massive bleeding from his shoulder which would cause him to die.
Bobby Potter
I think the iceman died beacuse he got murderd from someone wounding him the shoulder and died of massive bleeding.
I think this is true because the wound was the size of a qwertor and all the blood in his body came out and he died.
Jamal Battie
I think he the IceMan is the arrowhead from. I think this is true because of the arrow head cause massive bleeding
Jaymian Harlow
I think the Iceman died of freezing.
I think this is true becuase he was out in the snow.
Connor Francis
ss-4 6A
I think the Iceman died because he was murdered. My evidence is he had an arrow head in his chest, a cut on his hand and he had a wound.
Rick schroeder
I think the Iceman died because he was wounded in his sholder and it cosed him to bleed ebternely for a liong peried of time.Blood cept pooring out until he just could not take it until he fell over into the snow and was there until he died and froze.
/brannden langbecker
I think he got killed by a killer.
and was walking and got hit in the back with a arrow.
then got hit by somthing and ran.
caitlyne ross
ss-4-6A 9/21/10
I think the Iceman die of mertor because he was walking up a montin an someone came behind him and toke a arrowhead out of his pack and stapd him
Sadie Partipilo
I think he was murdered because ofthe arrow in hes shoulder. He also had 2 werid looking string tatoos on he's wrist like he's circlation was cut off. I think he was murdered.
colin delaney
I thik the Ice man diyd becose he was in deat to his comunity and to some chefe and was xaqutid and thron in to a dank of snow. The airo kod of hert him and the snow did the rest.
Jaice Selk
I think the iceman died because of an anamial killed him.I think this is true because his dagger had blood sample on it.
i think the iceman died because some came behind him stuck him in the chest with the arrow and then the person that beared him in the snow.
i think this true because he was found in the snow.
Dakota Nimmo
I think that some one murdered the iceman because he had a arrow head in his cheast. And he had cut on his hand
hannah lacount
I think the iceman died because of the wound wich caused massive bleeding
Victoria Boggs
I think the Ice Man died from getting atacked by an animal I think he was atacked by an animal because his shoulder was bleeding.
Becca Gajdosik
I think the Iceman died because he had a arrow that was in his shoulder and had a really big cut on his wrist. I think this is true because the arrow caused massive bleading, and the wrist looked really broused and was really bleading. So I think he ended up dying because he was bleeding to death and he also might of froze to death.
Christian Servin 9-21-10 4a
I belive that the iceman got into a fight and lost it witch he was knocked unconcious. I think this is true because of the arrow head and the dagger and the quiver with the arrows.
Sam Rufer
ss 4
I think he was murderd because he had been in earlier fights. He also had marks to show that he was murderd. Some of the marks are a cut on his hand which they think was from a earlier fight. He also had a mark from a arrow witch would have caused him to blead to death. That is what I think happend to the Ice Man
tessley ruby
ss-4 9/21/10
I think the Iceman died because he got cut on his hand
I thin the Ice Man died from fred to dith because it why wenter.
markieth philippi
I think the Iceman died because of
he got stad and pusht down the motin
I think this is true becuase there's an arrow in his back and he was laying in the snow on a mountain.
David Vantress 9-21-10 SS-4
I think the Iceman died because
an arrow in his shoulder caused massive bleeding.
Davis Fugate
I think the Iceman died because he froze. I think his is true because he was found in pretty good condition and if he wasn't frozen he wouldn't be in that good of condition.
Duggie Weber
I think the Iceman died from the arrow in his chest. I think this is true because it cause massive bleeding.
Jamie Gotautis
social studies 5
The iceman died because people spicficly hunters were trying to kill him,so they shot him in the head with a arrow and left him there.
Cameron Teubert
I think the Iceman died from being shot then bled to death.I think this is true because they found a quarter size arrowhead lodged in his shoulder.
Melanie Higgins
I think the Iceman died because he was shot which caused massive bleeding and head trauma.
I Think this is true because there was an arrow stuck in his shoulder.
Preston Straight
I think the Iceman died because he was fighting and he was bleeding very badly.I think this is true because he was in a bad fight. The arrow head was stuck in his shoulder.
Catyana Prochazka
I think he died because he got shot and then bleeded to death.
I think this is true because he had a arrow head in his shoulder.
Joseph church
I think he was wounded so much that he could not beabie to start a fire. Sience he could not start a fire he froze to death.
llauren thrasher
ss 5
I think that the Iceman was killed by a arrowhead beause the front of him has a arrowhead in side him were his heart is.
Marci Mitchell
I think the Iceman died of eternal bleeding. I think he could'nt move because not only was he getting old and he probably couldn't walk the fastest he also couldn't move because of the arrowhead wound that hit his shoulder. He probably fled from this fight he was in and settled in a place for a little while, whether to eat food or start a fire or whatever he needed to stay alive. I then think people from a distance shot him with a arrowhead (probably the people he was fighting with) and then from not being able to move he froze to death.
Ty Randles
I think the Ice Man was hunted and shot.I think this is true because it said that the Ice Man was running from pepole because it said that we murdured someone.Then i think he was in a fight with the pepole chasing him.Then when he was going to the mountains he got shot in the chest and died from bleeding.
Shayna Williams
I think the Iceman died because he had head trauma and was wearing down of old age. I think this is true because he was laying on the ground in the snow and had an arrow head in his shoulder and a cut on his hand. and in that matter of time also lost much blood.
Cedric Hale
I think the Ice Man died because of the head trauma,and the arrowhead logged in his shoulder. I also think he did something that made someone mad and they killed him. They might have killed him because he beat someone up. There also was a cut on his hand from a fight and the Ice Man man might have killed someone too. I think its treu because there is a cut on his hand,and a arrowhea was logged into his shoulder. And thats what i think happened to the ICE MAN !!
Payton Kai
I think the Iceman died because of massive bleeding. I think this is true because he had a arrow head in his shoulder. The Iceman also had a mark on his wrist and so maybe he was hurt then so it hurt to rin away so he got the aarow in his shoulder.
Randol Bettack
I think the Iceman died from an arrowhead. He also got hit in the head by something and had a head injery. I think this is true because of the quarter sized arrowhead.
Noah Bender
I think the Iceman died because of he got shot.I think this is true because he got shot in the arm and caused massive bleeding in the head.And he got cut in the hand so he probly was in a fight with someone that wanted to take his stuff to be warm and safe with a ax and a dagger.
Katie Wilcox
I think the Iceman died because he was shot by an arrowhead. The arrowhead was found in his shoulder wich puncherd an important artery. The wound caused massive bleeding. He also had serious head trama.
morgan kilkenny
I think that the Iceman died because of massive bleeding and he got shot in the sholder by and arrowhead.i think he had a string arownd his hand. and he has been in a fight. and his things were left his thing around and now one toke his things.
zack pizano
I think the ice man die becous he cut's and head trama but than agin I think he coude of the coul weather and the fighthe got in to earler and dide wen he was walking in the cold.
Niki Millard
I think he died from being shot because of the arrow and got weak and then he fell down to the ground frome being shot and froze to death.
Micheal Renken
I think the Iceman died from a arrowhead.
I think this is true becuase sientists say so.
I thngk he got in a fight becuase of his scrach.
I all so like his ax and I like his tatoos.
Rose Rheinschmidt
I think the Iceman died from being shot and bleeding to death.
I think this is true becuase he had an arrowhead in his shoulder.
Jared Boyd
I think the Iceman died because of being shot in the back.
I think this is true because there was a arrow head in is back, maybe cutting open a vein.
Alex Garvoille
I think that the Iceman died in a fight. I think this is true because he had a large arrow wound on his side.
Holly Chesmore
ss 6
I think the Iceman died of massive bleeding because he had a arrow wound in his shoulder.
Merissa Schmidt
I think the Iceman died because of massive bleeding.I think this is true because he had an arrow in his chest.
Jaden Gonzalez
I think the iceman died because he had alot of blood coming out of him and also he got shot in the back.
I think this is true because he got shot with an arrow head in the shoulder.
Tyler blaedow
I think the Iceman was shot but ran a way and tried to stop the bleeding and cood not start a fier.
Logan Bradley
I think the Iceman died of being shot in the shoulder.I think this is true because that arrow head would have caused the Iceman to bleed to death.
Adam Varga
I tank that the Icemand died because a suver cut ,and the arrowhwhed in sholder and had a head trauma.
Holly Black
I think the Iceman died because of the arrowhead in his shoulder.
I think this is true because the wound was huge.
Haley Abb
I think the Iceman died because of having a arrow in his chest.I know this for a fact because the Iceman had massive bleeding in his shuolder and he would of died from massive bleeding.
Colton Lyle
I think the Iceman died because of being shot by an arrow. I think this is true because because of an arrowhead in his shoulder.
Cheyenne Potts
I think the Iceman died becuse he slid or fell down the mountain and his dagger was jabed in his shoulder and that would of caused massive bleeding. I think that is true because of the dagger was in his shoulder and the cut on his hand.
Ryan Raiche 9-21-10ss-6-6a He died because of arrow head.I think this is true because of massive bleading from the arrow head in his lower shoulder.
Alaysia Vance
I think the Iceman died because he got shot and fell in the ice water.I think this is true because the wound in his shoulder.
Mitchell Monday
I think the Iceman died because of both cold and shot from bow.
I think this is true becuase he could have made a fire and because the peaple would have taken the stuf.
Peter Allen
I think the Iceman comited suacide I think this is true because he had all his stuff and he prbably got so cold and stressed out,ther was a wound in his shoulder that made me think he stabbed him self
Annie Anderson
I think the Iceman died from a wound in the shoulder. It caused massive bleeding
Franklin Deaton
I think the iceman died by being shot by a arrow.
I think this is true because the scientes fownd a arrowhead in his shoulder.
James Wagner
I think he died because he was shot whith a arrow. When he was in a fight and hid in the mountin and had misive bleeding and wile he was laying. He was stepped on by an animal. It said that he had an arrow in the his shoulder and that he had massive bleeding so you can die from massive bleeding. A nother clue iis that he had wepons so thats why I think he got in a fight. Thats how I think he died
inJulia Williamson
I think the iceman died of the arrow in his shoulder.
I think this is true because the arrow could caused massive bleeding that could have killed him.
Mason v.Brand 9-21-10 s.s-6-6A
I think he died of to much pain and massive bleeding because of him geting shot with a arrow head in shoulder which caused pain and massive bleeding and broken ribs wich caused pain and massive bleeding wich caused him to fall and go to sleep and freese to death.
Nathan Benson
I think the Iceman died because of being shot in the back and this caused major bleeding. I think this is true because they found an arrow head still in his body. He was dressed for cold weather so he didn't die from being cold.
i think the iceman died because he bleed to death i think this because he had a arrow head in his sholder,and a cut on his hand
alyson hall
i think the iceman died of blood loss i think this because he had a arrow head in his sholder and a cut on his hand that is why i think he died because of lossing so much blood
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