Friday, February 12, 2010

Social Studies Research: African American Inventors

February is Black History Month in the United States. During this month, America recognizes the accomplishments of African-Americans throughout history. In social studies, we're going to look at twenty famous African-American men and women; some you may have heard of, some you may not have. Hopefully you'll be more enlightened about the impact of African-Americans in history.

Black History Month Link
When you're done with the famous African-Americans activity:

Comm Arts: Notable African Americans in History

In honor of Black History Month, choose a person from the website below to research. You need to find out what they did, how they changed the world, and why you think they'd be on a list of important African Americans.

History Channel: African American Icons

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pronouns, pronouns everywhere!

What do you know about pronouns? Test your knowledge below!

Pronoun Quiz -- Report your score after you finish!

Pronoun Balloons

Pronoun Building

Pronoun Battleship

Ancient China

What do you know about Chinese culture? Click on the link below and write something new that you learned about each part of Chinese culture!

Ancient China