Monday, December 21, 2009

World Climates

Go to to research Janesville and cities around the world.

  1. Enter the city's and country (or state) in the search box at the top of the page.
  2. Click on 'Month.'
  3. Click on 'Averages.'
  4. Click on 'Table Display' and record the average high and low monthly temperatures.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

Research at least 5 different gods and goddesses and fill in your chart. Then, complete the summary frame on the back of that page.

Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

Publish a comment--who do you think is the most interesting (or strangest) Egyptian diety?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lang. Activities and Speed Words

Try your luck at Speed Words in a variety of language activities.

Speed Word-Verbs

Entire Speed Words Site

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ancient Egypt

Think you know everything about Ancient Egypt? Let's find out! Click below to go to the British Museum. As you're looking around, write down anything you learned that was new in your notebook.

Ancient Egypt-British Museum

With about 5 minutes left in class, you'll be asked to post one thing you've learned today that you didn't know before.

Click on 'Comments' on the lower right corner of this box to begin. Type your name, add your comment (something new you learned), click 'Anonymous,' enter the the goofy word, and click 'Publish.'

Thursday, November 12, 2009

How well do you know verbs?

Let's evaluate your knowledge of verbs.

Verb Quiz (start with level A, then go to B, and finish with C)

Verb Treasure Hunt

Grammar of Doom (when you're all finished)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Author's Purpose

Are you able to tell why an author writes a passage or story? Test your knowledge below.

Author's Purpose (many different sites; try them all!)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sentence Fragments

Is it a sentence or a fragment?

If you can put the phrase "I believe that" in front of the sentence and it makes sense and sounds right, it is a sentence. If you cannot, it is a fragment. Try your luck below.

Sentence vs. Fragment

Fragment Battleship

Friday, September 25, 2009

Examine the Iceman

Otzi, the Iceman, was found frozen in the Alps Mountains in 1991. He was mostly in one piece. How did he live? How did he die? Click below to be the ultimate forensic scientist.

Examining the Iceman

Main Ideas, Supporting Details, Vocabulary

To prepare for next week's test on main ideas, try the following website to help practice identifying main ideas:

Main Ideas

Main Idea Battleship

Short Main Idea

Difficult Prefix/Suffix Test

Prefix/Suffix Battleship

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Welcome to the 2009-10 School Year!

On behalf of Team 6A and the entire Franklin Middle School staff, I'd like to welcome you to 6th Grade. I'll be using this site throughout the year to gauge student learning and post links to class work. Feel free to read some of the previous posts and comments, and leave a comment of your own. Just click on "Comments" below and type in your thoughts. You'll have to log in as "Anonymous" and enter in the jumbled word. Don't forget to leave your name too! Hopefully we'll have a great year!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Registration Day on 8/20

Have a great summer everyone! Plan for Registration Day on Thursday, August 20th to get ready for the school year and have your yearbook picture taken.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The end is here!

It's the end of the school year. I enjoyed having everyone in class this year. Hopefully you had fun and learned a thing or two along the way. What did you enjoy the most in social studies this year? If you had to change one thing about the class, what would it be?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Castles and Battle

Click on the link below to follow Marcus through a medieval castle.
National Geographic Castles

When you're finished, try your luck at battle!


Or this battle siege!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Life in the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages--a time of hardship on the manor for most peasants, but also a time of luxury for lords and vassals.

You'll be posting a comment after each day of research. See my comment for how to post your responses.


DAY 1: Feudal Life: research the following links today: Feudal Life, Religion, Homes, and Clothing

In your post, include at least two surprising facts about each area. Then, write at least two questions you'd like to have answered about what you learned today. They should begin with words like How and Why, not Where and When--fat questions, not skinny questions.

DAY 2: Feudal Life: research the following links today: Health, Arts & Entertainment, and Town Life.

Follow the same posting procedure for DAY 1.



DAY 3: National Geographic Castles: click on various parts of the castle to see your way around parts of a castle. Click on the mouse to continue to different parts of the castle.

In your post, include at least three things you thought were the most creative parts of the tour. Also, include why you thought they were creative. Finally, write at least two fat questions.


DAYS 4 & 5: Castles in Britain: there are several parts to this website. For each day, choose 3 sections that interest you. Read those sections and create a post about it, stating at least one fact about each section you found intriguing (interesting, got your interest). Then, write at least one fast question for each section.
DAY 6: Battle! Try to work your way through to the medieval battle. Spend about 20 minutes trying before writing your post. Try this one for fun when you're done.

In your post, compare your attack to that of today's weaponry. What things are similar? How are they different? Include at least two questions about medieval weaponry and/or attack.

The Medieval Trebuchet can be tried at home--it won't work at school

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What can you do to save the planet?

Earth Day was created in 1970 by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson as a way to bring attention to the need to preserve the environment. It is officially celebrated on April 22, but should be observed all year round.

How energy efficient are you? What do you do to help conserve our Earth? Check out some of the links below, then before the end of class, write a post stating one thing you plan on doing to help save the planet! Don't forget your name!

Energy Hogs

Energy Hogs Student Handbook (print at home if desired)

Make Smart Ecological Choices

What's Your Carbon Footprint?

Time for Kids-Earth Day

Monday, March 9, 2009

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!!

What's going on in the news? Utilize these sites for an update on current events:

Janesville Gazette

News Mania (you'll need to allow pop-ups to run this site)

Scholastic News

Predicting the News

Monday, February 9, 2009

Black History Month

February is Black History Month in the United States. During this month, America recognizes the accomplishments of African-Americans throughout history. In social studies, we're going to look at twenty famous African-American men and women; some you may have heard of, some you may not have. Hopefully you'll be more enlightened about the impact of African-Americans in history.

When you're done with the famous African-Americans activity:

Saturday, January 24, 2009

March Madness Begins!

We'll be researching and writing to top college basketball teams in the nation. To get our research started, click on the picture to the left.
When you get to the Yahoo site, click on 'Teams' and begin your research!